Dásamlega Kaupmannahöfn

Karavana er hópur frá Árósum sem heimsækir okkur í vor. Þau ætla að setja upp myndlistasýningu í Norræna húsinu  og sýna svo verk sitt: Wonderful Copenhagen. Hér fylgir lýsing á verkinu á ensku en við tækifæri þýðum við þetta á íslensku og birtum hér.


The Karavana group present their new music and theatre production



This is a heart-warming play about dreams, love and joie de vivre. The performance combines music and theatre presented by the KARAVANA musicians and actors. The play takes you on a journey where glimpses of Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy tales are mixed with images of dreams, yearning, and true love in the world of today. The KARAVANA group consists of a professional theatre, a band and a group of artists. The actors, musicians and artists are all disabled adults. During the past 15 years, KARAVANA has produced plays, music and works of art, which we have presented to local, national and international audiences. KARAVANA’s work is lively, moving and accessible. Our productions and products are well crafted. We are quality conscious, using our art forms as a way of touching and engaging our audiences, inviting them, as we do, into a unique and untypical universe, bursting with diversity, enquiry, movement and humour.         

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